AG (Aktiengesellschaft) |
Public Limited Company, Corporation |
Aktien (Inhaberaktien, Namensaktien) |
shares (bearer shares, registered / ordinary shares) |
Firmensitz (Sitz der Gesellschaft, Geschäftsadresse, Domizil) |
Registered Office |
GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) |
Limited Liability Company |
GmbH & Co. KG |
Limited Partnership with Limited Liability Company
(combination of Limited Partnership (KG) and Limited Liability Company (GmbH):
the general partner is a Limited Liability Company (GmbH) which bears liability solely to the extent of its share capital and
the limited partners (Kommanditisten) bear liability to the value of their investment) |
Gesellschaftsanteile |
company stakes |
Gesellschaftsvertrag, Gründungsurkunde bzw. Errichtungsurkunde mit Gesellschaftsvertrag |
Articles of Association, Memorandum and Articles of Association |
Gründung, gründen, Errichtung, errichten |
Formation, to form |
Handelsregister, Handelsregisterauszug |
Commercial Register, Certificate of Incorporation |
KG (Kommanditgesellschaft) |
Limited Partnership
(the general partners (Komplementäre) in a KG have unlimited liability and
the limited partners (Kommanditisten) only bear liability to the value of their investment)
Kauf (Erwerb, Übernahme durch Kauf der Geschäftsanteile / Anteilskauf / Übertragung von Anteilen) Kaufen (erwerben, übernehmen) |
Purchase (acquisition, share deal) Purchasing |
Firmenmantel (Mantelgesellschaft, Gesellschaftsmantel) |
Shell Company (also dormant, non-operating)
(shell companies or corporations that are inactive (dormant), can be easily reactivated if they wants to start business again
in the future; have not been dissolved; voluntary liquidation can be canceled (voluntary liquidation means a solvent company
decide to liquidate the company)) |
Mindestkapital, Stammkapital, Grundkapital, Aktienkapital, Gesellschaftskapital |
Minimum Capital, Share Capital, Capital Stock, Corporate Capitalization, Authorized Capital |
Rechtsform, Gesellschaftsform, Unternehmensform, Geschäftsform, Betriebsform |
Legal Form |
Vorratsgesellschaft, Vorrats Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft auf Vorrat, Gesellschaft auf Lager, Regalgesellschaft |
Shelf Company, Ready Made Company (also ready-made, off-the-shelf, pre-registered)
(shelf companies or corporations that are already formed, but have never been used; new, with no active business operations,
do not transact any business but which have been registered in the commercial register) |